READ Butkus: Flesh and Blood by Dick Butkus kindle pdf book macbook mobile

READ Butkus: Flesh and Blood by Dick Butkus kindle pdf book macbook mobile

READ Butkus: Flesh and Blood by Dick Butkus kindle pdf book macbook mobile

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Book description
Butkus is a fascinating player for any fan of the game. What drives such a ferocious defender? He answers with a nod toward the expected mix of anger and competitiveness. But his story is deeper and more complicated. It seems the days of playing for the Bears were dark with piled up losses, missed opportunities and living with the increasing pain of a knee that would have been treated remarkably different in todays game. Butkus played the only way he knew how--with all out abandonment. Such short playing careers leave men like Butkus looking at the rest of their lives defined by something they are no longer able to do. It is admirable that he has stayed with his wife of his youth and raised a family in the midst of a career of football and all the fane that it has afforded him.The game by game accounts are tedious--only a Bear fan would truly appreciate them. Butkus actually discusses the exhibition games. One cant help but think hes simply going through the stat sheets and squeezing info and scattered memories from them. By far the most intriguing read is his suit of the Bears for payment of his outstanding balance of his contract after he retired.
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