READ Blood Sucker: Legend of Zipangu, Volume 7 by Saki Okuse portable francais eReader book italian

READ Blood Sucker: Legend of Zipangu, Volume 7 by Saki Okuse portable francais eReader book italian

READ Blood Sucker: Legend of Zipangu, Volume 7 by Saki Okuse portable francais eReader book italian

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Book description

Book description
Sadly this is the last volume published of the proposed 12 book series and whats more its filler, (the majority following a supporting character rather than the hero) - so we never find out how this epic and confusing tale pans out. 6 of the 7 chapters deal with Kume the somewhat bumbling police detective - we get his whole backstory weaving in an out of flashbacks (and not in sequence i might add) - so we have his school days as a kendo champion before the scene where his mother is killed. He faces the ninja vampire, looses and slashes his own throat rather than work for the evil vampire lord. The final chapter deals with the search for our hero who has gone solo to seek out Kikuri.Despite the bizarre narrative structure, this books a great deal more coherant than a lot of this series - largely I think because the focus is mainly on one character.Its really disappointing that this is where the story leaves off as we never do find out what happens or are able to draw all the complex threads of the series together.
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