READ Blackbeard and Other Pirates of the Atlantic Coast by Nancy Roberts original read via flibusta reading

READ Blackbeard and Other Pirates of the Atlantic Coast by Nancy Roberts original read via flibusta reading

READ Blackbeard and Other Pirates of the Atlantic Coast by Nancy Roberts original read via flibusta reading

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Book description

Book description
Blackbeard and Other Pirates of the Atlantic Coast by Nancy Roberts is a non-fiction book about 18 different pirates along the atlantic coast. The book is about adventure across the world and the different stories of each pirate in the book.There are 18 sections, each chapter is about a different pirate. Though Blackbeard doesn’t have one of his own sections, each pirate is linked to Blackbeard in some way. Let it be a past crew member, a past lover, or a pirate friend, the pirates in the book all lead back to Blackbeard.The 18 pirates are; Edward Tech, Stede Bonnet, Thomas Tew, John Davis, Charles Vane, Thomas Pound, “Calico Jack” Rackham, Samuel Bellamy, William Kidd, Anne Bonny, John Redfield, Edward Low, Lewis Guitar, William Lewis, John Quelch, William Fly, Charles Gibbs, and Rachel Wall. All of these pirates are linked to Blackbeard. One example is “Calico Jack” Rackham and Anne Bonny are lovers! Anne ran away with Jack from her husband James Bonny. Jack and Anne are related because they were lovers. Each pirate has a different story, but most of the pirates end with the same fate. Most of the stories I liked; however, all of them upset me in some way. Let it be a loved one dies or the pirates themselves die. One example of how I didn’t like the story was at the end of Anne Bonny’s story it is mysterious to what happened to Anne. This upset me but also made me wonder what happened and it gives me a picture in my mind.This book is intriguing for anybody because it has adventure, action, and romance. It also includes men and women pirates. This gave a perspective of what it was like for women as compared to men. Overall, this book is outstanding and is wonderful for anyone!
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