READ Birds of Ecuador by Robert S. Ridgely epub pc original online free

READ Birds of Ecuador by Robert S. Ridgely epub pc original online free

READ Birds of Ecuador by Robert S. Ridgely epub pc original online free

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Book description

Book description
This two-volume set of The Birds of Ecuador includes Status, Distribution, and Taxonomy, which contains detailed information on the ecology, status, and distribution of all species, and Field Guide, which contains 96 full-color plates and facing pages of descriptive text, a color map of Ecuador, two line drawings of bird anatomy, 115 silhouette outlines, and nearly 1600 distribution maps. All species are illustrated in full color, including migrants and vagrants and visually distinctive subspecies. The text focuses on the field identification aspects of each species, including their behavior, vocalizations, and nest appearance. This set is slipcased.
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