READ Beautiful Boxes: Design and Techniques by Doug Stowe ebay price shop free find

READ Beautiful Boxes: Design and Techniques by Doug Stowe ebay price shop free find

READ Beautiful Boxes: Design and Techniques by Doug Stowe ebay price shop free find

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Book description
Making wooden boxes is one of the best ways to develop overall proficiency in woodworking. Boxes are relatively quick to build, require only a small amount of material, and can be made in the smallest of woodshops. And, of course, they make wonderful gifts! In this all-new collection of boxes from one of America’s premier box makers, Doug Stowe shows how to design and build eight distinctive boxes, ranging from a Greene & Greene-style jewelry box to a “letter box” with sloping lid reminiscent of a Jefferson lap desk. Each box illustrates a key design principle—such as harmony, rhythm, texture, or contrast—and includes one or two design variations. The focus of the book will be on giving the reader creative license to make boxes that are more personal in design. But all design issues aside, this will be a book of beautiful boxes that woodworkers of all levels will be eager to build.
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