READ Basara, Vol. 3 by Yumi Tamura pc amazon read direct link no registration

READ Basara, Vol. 3 by Yumi Tamura pc amazon read direct link no registration

READ Basara, Vol. 3 by Yumi Tamura pc amazon read direct link no registration

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Book description
Synopsis:Sarasa and her new friend Hayato are captured by pirates who plan to sell them off as slaves. On the pirate ship, they reunite with Old Kaku, whom Sarasa had feared dead. A fight with the spirited female captain ends in a draw, but will Sarasa do as well in a battle with the treacherous Shojos?My Thoughts:Sarasa and Hayato are really surprised when they find Sakurajima in the state its in. How are they supposed to get their hands on the Suzaku sword now? If that isnt bad enough, they get captured by pirates that want to sell them to foreign countries. They learn that if you break the rules, you have to do the Death Dance with the chief, a woman named Chacha. The Death Dance is basically a sword fight on the bow of the ship above shark infested waters. Apparently, Chacha has never lost.Sarasa wants to get the pirates on her side when she discovers they hate the Shojo Clan, but it isnt so easy. Lucky for her, Kaku is on board the pirate ship. However, Sarasa challenges Chacha to the Death Dance saying that if she loses, the pirates can sell her, but if she wins, they have to follow her. Amazingly, she does win, but then the Red Army lead by Shido with Ageha in tow shows up and things really get crazy. Sarasa has to find a cannon on board the Suzaku flagship within an hour so that they can defeat the Red Army or Zaki-Chachas protector-will kill her and give her head to the Red Army. She pulls off what should be impossible and the Red Army isnt in much of a good condition now.Meanwhile, Shuri has his own problems. Someone uses Tataras name and nearly starts a war with one of the foreign countries, but Shuri isnt fooled. He knows what his brother is up to. He does something drastic when he figures it out and now he cannot go to aid Shido. What will happen now?
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