READ Banking on Temperance by Becky Lower (Goodreads Author) phone ios wiki selling online

READ Banking on Temperance by Becky Lower (Goodreads Author) phone ios wiki selling online

READ Banking on Temperance by Becky Lower (Goodreads Author) phone ios wiki selling online

> READ BOOK > Gentlemen

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Book description
In the absence of love, there is loneliness, sorrow and desperation. And thats where I come in. --Greg Dulli, introducing When We Two Parted onstage in San FranciscoLike no record before or since, Gentlemen is fraught with the psychological warfare, bedroom drama, Catholic guilt, reprehensible deception and uncleansable shame that coincide with relationships gone seriously wrong. This story explores what happens when intellectual sophistication is star-crossed with outspoken braggadocio, a charismatic mixture that managed to alienate the mainstream horde and arms-folded indie scenesters while, for good measure, incited outsider jealousy and condescending rumors advanced by the Fat Greg Dulli zine. In addition to dissecting the records organization, arrangements and lyrics, as well as examining old articles, reviews and interviews, this book delves into the memories, experiences and influences of the Afghan Whigs, most notably those that drive Dulli, a polarizing frontman whose fierce pretentiousness, GQ appearance and gloves-off boisterousness concealed deep-rooted mental depression and chemical dependency.
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