READ Austin & Mabel by Polly Longsworth (Editor) download txt

READ Austin & Mabel by Polly Longsworth (Editor) download txt

READ Austin & Mabel by Polly Longsworth (Editor) download txt

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Book description
here is my completely obscure read for 2015. when i was reading and we stay by jenny hubbard i got very interested in the life of emily dickinson. this is kind of weird because i dont care for her poetry, but as a human, shes pretty fascinating. somewhere in my research i landed on her brother austin, and did a late night inter-library loan request for this book. (some people make questionable shopping choices, i inter-loan random books and get confused when they show up.) but im glad i did. this is really well written and truly fascinating.after reading: it turns out reading other peoples loves letters isnt quite as fascinating as i thought it would be so i kind of skimmed the section of actual letters. i was more engaged by longsworths version of events.
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