READ Artful Making: What Managers Need to Know about How Artists Work by Robert Austin direct link story iBooks book spanish

READ Artful Making: What Managers Need to Know about How Artists Work by Robert Austin direct link story iBooks book spanish

READ Artful Making: What Managers Need to Know about How Artists Work by Robert Austin direct link story iBooks book spanish

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Book description
Artful Making offers the first proven, research-based framework for engineering ingenuity and innovation. This book is the result of a multi-year collaboration between Harvard Business School professor Robert Austin and leading theatre director and playwright Lee Devin. Together, they demonstrate striking structural similarities between theatre artistry and production and todays business projects--and show how collaborative artists have mastered the art of delivering innovation on cue, on immovable deadlines and budgets. These methods are neither mysterious nor flaky: they are rigorous, precise, and--with this books help--absolutely learnable and reproducible. They rely on cheap and rapid iteration rather than on intensive up-front planning, and with the help of todays enabling technologies, they can be applied in virtually any environment with knowledge-based outputs. Moreover, they provide an overarching framework for leveraging the full benefits of todays leading techniques for promoting flexibility and innovation, from agile development to real options.
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