READ Arkham Manor (2014-) #3 by Gerry Duggan (Goodreads Author) txt online

READ Arkham Manor (2014-) #3 by Gerry Duggan (Goodreads Author) txt online

READ Arkham Manor (2014-) #3 by Gerry Duggan (Goodreads Author) txt online

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Book description
As I continue to read these issues of Arkham Manor, I continuing looking for something redeeming in them. Im finding this task to be very difficult. While I was not happy with what had been happening before this issue, I was even more upset and disappointed after this issue. Yes, I understand that there are some elements that always come with Batman comics and I welcome them. But some things are just too much. Thats what I feel like is wrong, in a nutshell, with Arkham Manor. Theyre trying to put too much into one comic book series. For example, throwing villains into the comic just because theyre well know doesnt make a good plot twist, it just makes it weird. Especially when its not really being explained and it really just seems like theyre throwing them in. However, I will say that something this issue had that the other ones did not was an interesting solid ending. I can honestly say that I dont know where the next issue is going and where theyre going to go with this but I dont have high hopes. It seems that every time I get my hopes up they just continue to get crushed with this comic series.
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