READ Architecture of Silence: Cistercian Abbeys of France by Terryl N. Kinder (Photographer) epub ibooks

READ Architecture of Silence: Cistercian Abbeys of France by Terryl N. Kinder (Photographer) epub ibooks

READ Architecture of Silence: Cistercian Abbeys of France by Terryl N. Kinder (Photographer) epub ibooks

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Book description

Book description
The early Cistercian abbeys of France have long been revered for their harmoniously proportioned spaces and ethereal acoustics. Together with the great cathedrals, these remarkable medieval buildings embody the profound mastery of architecture that blossomed in 12th- and 13th-century France. Architecture of Silence is the first book in English devoted solely to these exquisite structures, which draw tens of thousands of visitors of all nationalities each year.The power and beauty of these sacred buildings and ruins, renowned among architects and designers for their austere, almost minimal design and construction, come alive in David Healds luminous tritone photographs. The text by Terryl N. Kinder, the worlds leading scholar on the subject, offers a clear introduction to the history and architecture of the early Cistercian monks, who built the abbeys nearly 900 years ago.
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