READ 26 Letters and 99 Cents by Tana Hoban audio page amazon online spanish

READ 26 Letters and 99 Cents by Tana Hoban audio page amazon online spanish

READ 26 Letters and 99 Cents by Tana Hoban audio page amazon online spanish

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Book description
“26 Letters and 99 Cents” by Tana Hoban is a good book for teaching young children the basics. As the title suggest the book covers the twenty-six letters of the English alphabet and number and the amounts of coins from one to ninety nine cents. This book does not simply list letters and numbers but makes them interesting to children. The letters of the alphabet are organized so each letter is paired with and image of an objects that children know well and see often in the everyday life. A few examples include pairing “A” with airplane, “I” with ice cream, and “Y” with a yo-yo. This helps children relate letters and their sounds to everyday things. The letters and numbers are also made interesting since they are all patterned to have different colors, such as a red “A” fallowed by a green letter “B”. or a green “1” followed by a red “2” and then a yellow “3”. When it comes to the coins on the “99 Cents” half of the book, because it can be flip over to be either a part of the book focusing on numbers and coins or a part focusing on letters of the alphabet, the coins that are paired alongside the numbers start out as pennies but soon become coins of a larger amount, including nickels, dimes, and quarters.
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