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READ 100 Great Day Hikes Around Bozeman and The Greater Yellowstone by Mark Johnston original find online kindle book

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Book description
This guidebook is a written invitation to families, friends, and the future stewards (children and young adults) of our nation’s natural resources to get out and enjoy some of our nation’s finest natural heritage.The hundred hikes listed in this guide represent some of the best hiking within easy reach of the Bozeman area and neighboring communities of Livingston, Gardiner, Ennis and West Yellowstone. The featured five mountain ranges, and Yellowstone National Park, should give an accurate portrayal of the natural environmental found in the GYE. For those visiting Montana, some of the driving distances to the hikes may seem long. In Big Sky country, most of these distances are considered short. The drives to the trailheads are memorable in and of themselves. When hiking, try to relax and have fun! Hiking isn’t always about just getting from point A to point B. Putting that demand on yourself can potentially ruin a good time. Most importantly, show your children how to have a good time. Expose them to something they might never forget and will always cherish and want to protect.The Kindle version of 100 Great Day Hikes Around Bozeman and The Greater Yellowstone is a condensed version of the original (no photographs).
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