READ , said the shotgun to the head. by Saul Williams fb2 online free

READ , said the shotgun to the head. by Saul Williams fb2 online free

READ , said the shotgun to the head. by Saul Williams fb2 online free

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Book description

Book description
Holy shit. Im crying just typing this review even though I finished the book like 10 minutes ago. This is the book that reignited my love for poetry. Although only half this book made sense to me, and typically that would infuriate me, this was just absolutely GORGEOUS. Williams had me from page one, and in this book he criticized the patriarchy, war, religion, and this was generally just a roller coaster ride that brought me to tears. It was so raw and it was centered on a love story, but grew so much in these 182 pages. Highly, highly, HIGHLY recommend and im going to go read his other two poetry books that I own right now.
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