Question: please tell me where Zatch Bell!, Volume 2 by Makoto Raiku iphone prewiew how to download macbook

Question: please tell me where Zatch Bell!, Volume 2 by Makoto Raiku iphone prewiew how to download macbook

Question: please tell me where Zatch Bell!, Volume 2 by Makoto Raiku iphone prewiew how to download macbook

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Book description
Real rating: Infinity stars. It is THAT good. Expect spoilers since this is my fandom, and references to previous and later ZB books and anime.We conclude the fight with Sherry and Brago. Notice how Sherry let Zatch live when she easily could have burned his book. My point is that Brago should have become king, if not for mistakes they both made. Sherry made the mistake of not burning Zatchs book when it would have been so easy too. Brago makes the mistake in book 33 of when Kiyo Bao Zakerugas them Brago makes Sherry drop the book and doesnt even retaliate-he just lets his book burn. I do know that Zatch is more suited to being King, though. And now youre paired up with this guy whos just as pathetic as you! Its so sad, its funny! Whats funny is your smirk, Brago-dono. And seriously, its not like Kiyos beginning Zaker can come anywhere close to matching Gigano Reis. The weird look Brago gives Sherry...Kiyo broke his house and didnt get in trouble! Not fair as I kicked a tiny hole in the wall and my otosans mad. Kiyo has lenient parents. And notice how his okaasan is always gone. She must live in the mall. I dont even think she works there, they probably just get money from Seitaro as he works at that university in England. In the anime when Suzy is trying to find Kiyos room in the hospital they are like but weve told you 300 times. And they dont walk her there? REALLY bad customer service. Kiyo really needs to start paying attention to Suzy. Its cool how she made him fruit for him to recover. I want to eat them. I feel sorry for Yuuta. It would suck to be stuck in the hospital. So, Zatch, does food REALLY help you shoot lighting bolts? I eat a lot so Id have to say no. But maybe its buri. I really like Ivy and the Mochinoki City Botanical Garden (I wish that was a real city since thats totally where I would live in Japan). Haru and Sugino are messed up. Now I dont know how anyone could NOT like Kolulu, but I do wish Zatch would quite flashbacking on her all the time, or at least think about when shes happy and not sad, although I do realize shes the one who inspired him to become a kind king. My fav ZB gif is when Zatch plays with Volcan, although obviously Kolulus doll is better. Kolulu could have gave her book to someone like Zatch to protect, but then mamodos would come and want to fight and she couldnt protect herself. So I guess its okay that she burnt her book. If you think this book burning is sad, youre in for a lot worse.
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