Question: please tell me where Yu-Gi-Oh! Vol. 4: Kaibas Revenge by Kazuki Takahashi kindle bookshop download direct link value

Question: please tell me where Yu-Gi-Oh! Vol. 4: Kaibas Revenge by Kazuki Takahashi kindle bookshop download direct link value

Question: please tell me where Yu-Gi-Oh! Vol. 4: Kaibas Revenge by Kazuki Takahashi kindle bookshop download direct link value

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Book description
The Good: I never did like the character of Seto Kaiba; even in the anime, he was a jerk, which made it all the more shocking that the guy who introduced me to Yu-Gi-Oh! used that characters name as his online handle. This volume shows what a horrible person Seto really is; the lengths he goes in order to enact revenge on Yugi makes him all the more despicable. I also liked how Téa/Anzu was with Yugi and their other friends while theyre suffering Kaibas wrath; Ive always admired strong female characters.The Bad: The creepy stuff didnt bother me that much, but some of the sexual references did. You might want to think twice before handing this book to a young child.Content Concerns:• Sex: References to someone being pervy; a reference to a guy touching a teenage girls private anatomy. 3/5• Nudity: Short skirts. 4/5• Language: D-words, h-words, and euphemisms such as butt. 3/5• Violence: The entire volume is about one guys vendetta against another guy; several battles, including everything from a sci-fi style blaster fight to a martial arts melee; the protagonists nearly have their arms sliced off; a clue is written in blood. 2/5• Drugs: A villain attempts to poison two people. 4/5• Frightening/Intense Scenes: Along with the violence, plenty of tense moments, and some rather hideous monsters. 2/5• Other: The dangerous game Russian Roulette is referenced. 4/5Score: 4/5
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