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If I were to create a Homeschooling for Parents 101 course, it would include Ruth Beechick’s book, You Can Teach Your Child Successfully: Grades 4-8.Filled with practical, no-nonsense advice and a step-by-step relaxed plan for teaching the basics every child should know, this book is an absolute must for those just beginning to homeschool (see Mrs. Beechicks companion book, The Three Rs, for K-3). It is also chock-full of valuable info that even veteran homeschoolers will find useful. There is something for everyone, whether you are planning on creating your own unit studies, using a hodgepodge of texts, or are locked into one curriculum provider for all subjects.Mrs. Beechick, who was a school teacher for many years, starts by encouraging her readers that they truly are capable of teaching their own children and doing it well. She takes the mystery out of what homeschool education is all about, and fills us ordinary moms with a Yes! I think I can do this now! confidence.She coaches us in how to teach without ever having to purchase textbooks, and if this is the direction you want to go, she will help you do it with excellence. (We used textbooks most of the time, but her ideas still enriched our learning.) She gives valuable information about what children should know and when, practical skills that should be taught (some of which your textbooks have probably missed entirely), and how to lighten up, relax, and enjoy teaching your children.I found this book very freeing, as I learned from Mrs. Beechick that it is OK to not do every workbook page, if your child already has a good grasp of the material. She has some wonderful ideas about teaching math concepts without having to buy the fancy manipulatives. And who can beat her “total immersion” approach to teaching health? (Hint: it means teaching common sense health stuff as you go along, and not feeling the need to do a workbook course on brushing teeth and bathing!) She thoroughly covers how to teach reading, writing, science and health, math, social studies, the arts, and the Bible.This book is down-to-earth, fast-paced, and fun to read. It will give you a new confidence and enthusiasm for homeschooling, and will teach you ways to make learning enjoyable for your children as well. I appreciated the very Christ-centered focus of her materials.You will be passing this one around to many of your friends. I wish I had bought two, because mine was loaned out so much.Also recommended: Mrs. Beechicks The Three Rs -- for K-3.
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