Question: please tell me where You Are Here: Around the World in 92 Minutes by Chris Hadfield mp3 francais read writer tom

Question: please tell me where You Are Here: Around the World in 92 Minutes by Chris Hadfield mp3 francais read writer tom

Question: please tell me where You Are Here: Around the World in 92 Minutes by Chris Hadfield mp3 francais read writer tom

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Book description

Book description
Divided by continent, YOU ARE HERE represents one (idealized) orbit of the ISS. This planetary photo tour -- surprising, playful, thought-provoking, and visually delightful -- is also punctuated with fun, fascinating commentary on life in zero gravity. In the spirit of his bestselling An Astronauts Guide to Life on Earth, YOU ARE HERE opens a singular window on our planet, using remarkable photographs to illuminate the history and consequences of human settlement, the magnificence (and wit) of never-before-noticed landscapes, and the power of the natural forces shaping our world and the future of our species.
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