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Question: please tell me where Winter Roses by Anita Mills find audio pc bookstore book

Question: please tell me where Winter Roses by Anita Mills find audio pc bookstore book

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Book description
A wonderful medieval. It is part of a series but can be read alone. It is very good historical fiction. The feel for the times is right on, not just wallpaper history. I absolutely love William. He is a rough but kind man who is very aware of his bastardy and who wants a woman of his own and a family. Arabella is also a strong character. Much of the book revolves around her love for her son and what shell do to protect him. William becomes her ally in this even though he thinks the boy is the result of adultry while she was with her first husband. William is basically incapable of cruelty to those weaker than himself. He is a wonderful example of a strong man who is constantly aware that he must be gentle to those less strong. His love for Arabella is very well drawn and believable. Arabella is strong but within the framework of what women were allowed to be at the time. Highly recommended.
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