Question: please tell me where What If . . . Everyone Was Doing It by Liz Ruckdeschel touch page link read via

Question: please tell me where What If . . . Everyone Was Doing It by Liz Ruckdeschel touch page link read via

Question: please tell me where What If . . . Everyone Was Doing It by Liz Ruckdeschel touch page link read via

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Book description

Book description
This fall finds our ever-indecisive 16-year-old heroine at the end of her sophomore year and facing some big decisions. Prom looms on the horizon, and beyond that, three months of summer! Will Haley play Good Girl with Reese, Bad Girl with Spence, or Alterna Girl with Devon? Will the decisions shes been making all year come back to haunt her? Find out in the fourth novel of this popular interactive series!
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