Question: please tell me where We Dont Need Another Hero: Struggle, Hope, and Possibility in the Age of High-Stakes Schooling by Gregory Michie pdf ibooks

Question: please tell me where We Dont Need Another Hero: Struggle, Hope, and Possibility in the Age of High-Stakes Schooling by Gregory Michie pdf ibooks

Question: please tell me where We Dont Need Another Hero: Struggle, Hope, and Possibility in the Age of High-Stakes Schooling by

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Book description

Book description
In his latest book, bestselling author Gregory Michie critiques high-stakes schooling and provides a powerful alternative vision of teaching as a humanistic enterprise, students as multidimensional beings, and schools as spaces where young people can imagine and become, not just achieve. Drawing on his experiences over the past two decades as a classroom teacher, community volunteer, researcher, and teacher educator in Chicagos public schools, Michie offers compelling accounts of teaching and learning in urban America. Mindful of the complex realities educators face, he portrays urban schools as they really are: sites of struggle, hope, and possibility. At a time when others relentlessly trumpet a competitive, data-driven, corporatized notion of education, the essays in We Dont Need Another Hero challenge the dominant images of failing urban schools and bad teachers. Like Michies now classic Holler If You Hear Me, this book gives much-needed hope to new and seasoned teachers alike. It is also an important resource for school administrators, policymakers, parents, and anyone who wants to better understand what is really happening in American schools.
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