Question: please tell me where Water Witch (Loveswept, No 293) by Jan Hudson book mobile purchase find english

Question: please tell me where Water Witch (Loveswept, No 293) by Jan Hudson book mobile purchase find english

Question: please tell me where Water Witch (Loveswept, No 293) by Jan Hudson book mobile purchase find english

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Book description

Book description
Geologist Max Strahan has lost her job and is about to lose her house. When she’s offered a generous sum to locate water on a dry site in the Texas Hill Country, she jumps at the chance. After all, she learned to witch for water at her grandfather’s knee. If there was water on that rocky hill, she’d find it. Piece of cake.She hadn’t counted on meeting a certain tall, handsome, charmer determined to romance and win her. Sam Garrett knew the minute he saw her that Max was perfect for him, the woman of his dreams, and no power on earth was going to stop him from having her. But could he respect her secret–that she’s a water witch with an oil-sniffing Doberman? And can Max overcome her past to give him a chance? The chemistry between them ignites a cauldron of passion, but is there room for Sam in her own dreams? You’ll find lots of love and laughter and a few colorful characters as these two strong people struggle with finding love and a future together.
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