Question: please tell me where W Juliet, Vol. 9 by Emura download book value online kindle

Question: please tell me where W Juliet, Vol. 9 by Emura download book value online kindle

Question: please tell me where W Juliet, Vol. 9 by Emura download book value online kindle

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Book description

Book description
Sixteen-year-old tomboy Ito Miura has been chosen to play Romeo in Romeo and Juliet! The problem? She doesnt want the male role! So, who will be Juliet? The favorite for the part, beautiful and vain Tsugumi, must compete with the cute new transfer student, Makoto Amano. Makoto not only has the looks, but her audition proves that she has the acting chops to play any role assigned. But Makoto has a secret, and if rival Tsugumi, or anyone in the school, finds out, it could ruin Makotos life dragging Ito down as well!
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