Question: please tell me where Undercover Babies by Alice Sharpe pdf online

Question: please tell me where Undercover Babies by Alice Sharpe pdf online

Question: please tell me where Undercover Babies by Alice Sharpe pdf online

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Book description
Mills & Boon Intrigue series brings you stories filled with secrets & seduction...IN SEARCH OF HER PAST Stumbling upon a beautiful woman with no memory of her past and a tan too fresh to make her an Indiana native, ex-cop Travis ?Mac? MacBeth quickly learned a significant fact about the woman hed dubbed Grace: shed recently had a baby. As Grace clung desperately to the hope that her child was safe, Mac uncovered a vital clue that propelled them on a cross-country road trip. Before long, between their forced proximity and the danger of an unknown assailant hot on their trail, Mac was drawn to this stranger as hed been to no other. And although Grace might never remember her past, would she let Mac help her enjoy her future?
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