Question: please tell me where To War With Wellington: From The Peninsula To Waterloo by Peter Snow free full pc phone book

Question: please tell me where To War With Wellington: From The Peninsula To Waterloo by Peter Snow free full pc phone book

Question: please tell me where To War With Wellington: From The Peninsula To Waterloo by Peter Snow free full pc phone book

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Book description

Book description
Drawing a lot of material from Memoirs of the period, the author traces the campaigns of Arthur Wellesly, The Duke of Wellington. Both officers and men of the British and German troops that served with him in The Peninsular and Waterloo, and other soldiers of Hanoverian, Nassau and Dutch-Belgian origin from the latter battle, help to give voice to the armies that fought Napoleon and his Marshals. The period enthusiast and wargamer will find a lot of good stuff, although to ground has been trampled before by several authors. The newcomer will appreciate the original voices talking through from the age of Empire. Very enjoyable if sometimes graphic and simplified.
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