Question: please tell me where The United & The Divided by L.A. Witt (Goodreads Author) find audio pc bookstore book

Question: please tell me where The United & The Divided by L.A. Witt (Goodreads Author) find audio pc bookstore book

Question: please tell me where The United & The Divided by L.A. Witt (Goodreads Author) find audio pc bookstore book

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Book description
Tooth & Claw #3Where do you go when there’s nowhere left to go? Levi, Darius, and Ian have been on the run from Levi’s wolf clan, but now they’ve got a problem. Levi’s now part vampire. Darius, a vampire for the last half century, is now part wolf. They have to feed on blood, but a bite will turn a human to a wolf.They’re left with only one option: find a group of wolves to live amongst… which is a challenge when the wolves want them dead.On a remote island off the coast of Alaska, though, they find a small community willing to let them stay, at least for the time being. The decision isn’t unanimous, though, and the community is divided. Some are willing to let the fugitives stay and feed off their people. Others, though, want the three men dead, even if it means destroying their own village in the process.And when one of the clan Elders learns that the island wolves are harboring them, he’s going to make sure Levi, Darius, and Ian are dead if he has to do it himself.Contains a vampire and two vampire-wolves who are seriously over all this running around stuff. Also lots of bullets and fur flying, but you’d better believe the boys still find time to burn up the sheets. Because really, when any night could be your last, you might as well make it count.This 51,000 word novel was previously published.
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