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Question: please tell me where The Three Bears ABC by Grace Maccarone buy english free german look

Question: please tell me where The Three Bears ABC by Grace Maccarone buy english free german look

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Book description
This is a fun alphabet book that has a story. Similar to how Caveman A B.C. Story had a story presented through the alphabet…so does this. Although this particular story is a familiar fairy tale–Goldilocks and the Three Bears. It starts with “A” for the alphabet and then goes to the “B” bears and ends with (the second) “Z” which “is for zany…because it was that kind of day!” Kids who know the original Goldilocks story will laugh at the new alphabetical way the story is presented. Then there are the illustrations. Each alphabet letter looks like it has wood grain lines running through it, giving a complimentary feel to the “carved” letters while allowing them to all be different colors that pop off the page. And Goldilocks is just fun with wild yellow hair (that almost reminds me of the crazy-wild hair of a certain new red-headed princess from a cartoon…just less curly). When looking at the illustrations there are bits that are totally in focus such as the characters or significant parts to the story (the porridge, the chairs, the bed, etc.). However, the background of the illustrations have a soft, somewhat out-of-focus quality (the details on the forest trees aren’t crisp or the picture hanging on the cottage wall is out of focus) which makes the illustrations have the same feel as some professional photography will carefully picked frame of focus and soft focus background. Only this is with illustrations. And being a person who loves looking at some great photography…I kind of liked the way the illustrations were thought-through to the point that even the details or lack of details draws readers to particular points of a story.All-in-all this is a fun story. I don’t know that it will help young readers drill the alphabet letters in their heads. But it will be something that kids who are learning or have just learned the alphabet can find joy in because they can figure out what is coming, especially if they happen to love folk and fairy tales. I like it. A lot.
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