Question: please tell me where The Serial Killer Files: The Who, What, Where, How, and Why of the Worlds Most Terrifying Murderers by Harold Schechter mobi download free

Question: please tell me where The Serial Killer Files: The Who, What, Where, How, and Why of the Worlds Most Terrifying Murderers by Harold Schechter mobi download free

Question: please tell me where The Serial Killer Files: The Who, What, Where, How, and Why of the Worlds Most Terrifying Murderers

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Book description

Book description
The Serial Killer Files is a definite summary of all things serial killings and serial killers. It starts from the history of the word serial killer and covers each area with captivating style, ending chapters with book recommendations for a deeper knowledge of the things discussed. What else, more a devout true crime reader would and could ask for?Schechter does a fine job of covering and debunking all aspects, definitions, beliefs and assumptions we have of the human monsters. He argues strongly in chapters where a race of the serial killers are dealt with, pointing out that the beliefs of there only being white serial killers comes from racial prejudices as most, but not all, serial killers prey within their own race. White serial killer with white victims is always more selling, gains a fast interest from the authorities as well as from the media, which leads to multiple non-white predators as well non-white victims to lay under the famous and generally known - radar as much as it can delay the solving of the cases. This same appeals to sexual minority, despite of multiple famous serial killers preying within their own gender. Unfortunately, this is what serial killers take advance of... Killing the ones under the interest radar.As much strongly he argues the female serial killers sadism. The methods between female and male serial killers may differ a lot (especially in lone wolf acts but not always when doing in pairs) but the core for the both is the same. He asks an interesting question: which is more sadistic, to mutilate a stranger for a sexual pleasure or poisoning a loved one while climaxing multiple times while holding the dying loved one in your arms? He challenges the definitions we have of serial killers, and points out that there is a lot more potential serial killers than there is active serial killers, and this is where the actions of authorities come along. Most to-be serial killers are dumb enough to get caught from the get go, lucky for us. No nation, no country is safe from them, but the way a nation works from the bottom to up has a lot to do how things will turn out - full blown serial killer or a one shot killer in jail. The Serial Killer Files is a monstrous sized information package that doesnt focus to the well-known serial killers but gives examples after examples of the ones less-known from the early history to the current times. The book itself is nicely chapter oriented, which makes it easy to look specific information if needed. It covers it all, and more.I would have given full 5 stars for the content and the information this offered (especially how it added to my TBR-pile), for making me sit almost 12 hours on my ass because I could not put the damn book down, but I dropped a half of a star for the writing that got quite repetitive with words and describing the cases... but then again... how many ways a person can tell the same old ways to kill a person - mutilating, raping, beheading, slaughtering etc.?Yes, beats me too.Highly recommended reference read.
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