Question: please tell me where The Sensuous Dirty Old Man by Isaac Asimov price access online tom full version

Question: please tell me where The Sensuous Dirty Old Man by Isaac Asimov price access online tom full version

Question: please tell me where The Sensuous Dirty Old Man by Isaac Asimov price access online tom full version

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Book description

Book description
Many people miss the context of this masterpiece.Shortly before this book came out there were two books titled The Sensuous Man and The Sensuous Woman. They were published with authors shown only by a single initial. These came out to address an increasing interest in healthy, not-strictly-traditional models of sexual behavior and were intended to be serious. As a teen at the time this third book came out, I found it amusing, but could not properly relate to it for my lack of personal experiences and perspective.I recently read this again and found it to be brilliant as a parody of the books it emulated.I also recall that this book came out when Dick Cavett was in his own television heyday, and Mr Cavett scored Dr. A as not just a guest, but his guest agreed to reveal his true identity. Dr. Asimov came out onto the talk set (or he may have been already seated there and was not shown on camera until he was introduced) ... wearing a lacy black item of womens underwear wrapped around his head across his eyes as a mask. When he took the mask off, Dick Cavett exclaimed, Its our old friend, Isaac Asimov! or words to that effect.Without the context of the previous books, readers in the 21st century sem to be judging it unrealistically. For what it was intended to be ... a contemporary parody of the times and previous works in a similar vein ... the book is magnificent and deeply funny.
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