Question: please tell me where The Retreat: Hitlers First Defeat by Michael Jones full version kickass itunes read eng

Question: please tell me where The Retreat: Hitlers First Defeat by Michael Jones full version kickass itunes read eng

Question: please tell me where The Retreat: Hitlers First Defeat by Michael Jones full version kickass itunes read eng

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Book description
I enjoy reading history which is infused with firsthand accounts. Mr. Jones book is a history of the first winter on the Eastern Front told by those that were there - both Soviets and Germans. Mr. Jones focuses on how such a mighty calamity befell the German war machine and the consequences to the individual soldier. The following is a quote by Mr. Jones describing the Germans psychological attitude regarding their military prowess and what that attitude resulted in during the Winter of 41/42, When a belief becomes a certainty, one loses the sense that it began life as a point of view, one which events might prove wrong. And when that certainty becomes internalized, it removes all thought of a plan for alternative outcomes.This story is harrowing, brutal, and sad. Through the eyes of those that were there - many who didnt make it home in the end - we get a glimpse into what fighting on the Eastern Front was really like. Ive always heard it said how vicious this war was to soldier and civilian alike. Mr. Jones book takes it to a very personal level. You can envision the collapse of the German assault on Moscow as Operation Typhoon comes to a halting end and the Soviet counteroffensive picks up steam. Finally General Model comes on the scene and through a miraculous offensive makes the Soviets relinquish their offensive initiative. Both of these events, the halting of Typhoon in the suburbs of Moscow by the Red Army and the encirclement of the Soviet 29th Army by the German 9th Army were won on the narrowest of margins.Youll also get some wonderful insight into the leaders of each side. For instance I enjoyed this quote from General Model, We will strike the Russian flank, and catch them in a stranglehold, he declared. His staff officers were astounded by Models optimism in a truly desperate position. And what, Herr General, one asked him, have you brought us for this operation? Substantial reinforcements were urgently needed, but none were at hand. Model regarded the man for a moment, and then replied with a calm assurance: Myself!One of the best books Ive read. I highly recommend this to any student of WWII.
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