Question: please tell me where The Problem with Socialism by Thomas J. DiLorenzo shop read access flibusta information

Question: please tell me where The Problem with Socialism by Thomas J. DiLorenzo shop read access flibusta information

Question: please tell me where The Problem with Socialism by Thomas J. DiLorenzo shop read access flibusta information

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Book description
What’s the Problem with Socialism?Let’s start with...everything. So says bestselling author and professor of economics Thomas J. DiLorenzo, who sets the record straight in this concise and lively primer on an economic theory that’s gaining popularity—with help from Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders—despite its universal failure as an economic model and its truly horrific record on human rights.In sixteen eye-opening chapters, DiLorenzo reveals how socialism inevitably makes inequalityworse, why socialism was behind the worst government-sponsored mass murders in history, themyth of “successful” Scandinavian socialism; how socialism is worse—far worse—for the environment than capitalism, and more.As DiLorenzo shows, and history proves, socialism is the answer only if you want increasing unemployment and poverty, stifling bureaucracy if not outright political tyranny, catastrophic environmental pollution, rotten schools, and so many social ills that it takes a book like this to cover just the big ones.Provocative, timely, essential reading, Thomas J. DiLorenzo’s The Problem with Socialism is an instant classic comparable to Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson.
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