Question: please tell me where The Minimalist Approach to Entrepreneurship: 8 Life-Changing Habits to Declutter & Grow Your Business in the Most Productive and Efficient Way! (including Steve Jobs Business Approach) by George Ilian how download book tom

Question: please tell me where The Minimalist Approach to Entrepreneurship: 8 Life-Changing Habits to Declutter & Grow Your Business in the Most Productive and Efficient Way! (including Steve Jobs Business Approach) by George Ilian how download book tom

Question: please tell me where The Minimalist Approach to Entrepreneurship: 8 Life-Changing Habits to Declutter & Grow Your

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Book description
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” ~ Aristotle Success doesn’t happen overnight. Discipline is what will ultimately get you across the finish line. Habits are tough to build but easy to break. There are just so many things that can lead us off the path. • Long-term results are far more important that short-term success. What I mean is that you cannot focus on creating small opportunities if they will negatively affect your long-term success. Always focus on your long-term growth first. • Create small macro goals that gradually lead to bigger results. While dreaming big is inspirational, dreaming small is much more practical. That’s why this book focuses on small changes. • Learn to develop behavioral chains. This is known as creating sticky habits. It’s a process of developing routines based on new habits. • Create new routines that incorporate small changes. Creating routines is the absolute best method of making positive changes in your life and business. • Eliminate excessive options. Tone down the number of options available so that you are able to focus on the important ones. • Plan new processes that are realistic. There is a time and place for fantasizing but when you’re developing new habits, you should always plan out an exact process that is realistic. This might seem like such a small detail but it plays a huge role in keeping yourself motivated. After all, it’s easier to stay motivated when you are able to experience real, positive results. • Completely eliminate procrastination by creating a list of tasks to complete every day. Then make sure that you complete them. When you notice something else that needs to be accomplished, then schedule it. Scheduling a task for a later date is not the same as procrastinating so long as you complete your daily tasks. It’s when you start putting those tasks off that you have a problem.
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