Question: please tell me where The Loose Ends List by Carrie Firestone (Goodreads Author) wiki online full read shop

Question: please tell me where The Loose Ends List by Carrie Firestone (Goodreads Author) wiki online full read shop

Question: please tell me where The Loose Ends List by Carrie Firestone (Goodreads Author) wiki online full read shop

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Book description
It’s a summer for first love, last wishes, and letting go.Maddie has big plans to spend the last months before college tying up high school “loose ends” alongside her best friends. Then her beloved grandmother drops two bombshells: (1) Gram is dying. (2) She’s taking her entire family on a round-the-world cruise of dreams come true—but at the end, Gram won’t be returning home.With a promise to live in the now without regrets, Maddie boards the Wishwell determined to make every moment count. She finds new friends in her fellow Wishwellians, takes advantage of the trip’s many luxuries, gets even closer to her quirky family, and falls for painfully gorgeous Enzo. But despite the copious laughter, headiness of first love, and wonder of the glamorous destinations, Maddie knows she is on the brink of losing Gram, and she struggles to find the strength to let go in a whirlwind summer shaped by love, grief, and laughter.
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