Question: please tell me where The Little Scarecrow Boy by Margaret Wise Brown online flibusta story tablet free

Question: please tell me where The Little Scarecrow Boy by Margaret Wise Brown online flibusta story tablet free

Question: please tell me where The Little Scarecrow Boy by Margaret Wise Brown online flibusta story tablet free

> READ BOOK > The Little Scarecrow Boy

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Book description

Book description
This story has wonderful cadence and makes good use of repettition. I give it four stars because you dont often find childrens stories these days that are well written, somewhat poetic, and pleasant to read aloud and re-read countless times. However, I dont particularly care for the illustrations, and I dont like that the scarecrow boy sneaks out of home while his parents are sleep, does what his father had forbidden him to do, and receives praise rather than discipline. I liked the ambiguity--we dont really know whether he scares the final crow or his father does. I suppose I shouldnt be so harsh; its a tale, perhaps, of a fatherly love brimming into instant forgiveness and pride in a young boys desire to be like daddy, even if he isnt quite ready. Yes, I like that interpretation. Im sure Ill be reading this again many times. At least until my daughter sneaks out at night to try to do something I told her not to do.
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