Question: please tell me where The Ivory Lyre by Shirley Rousseau Murphy (Goodreads Author) audio txt doc flibusta free

Question: please tell me where The Ivory Lyre by Shirley Rousseau Murphy (Goodreads Author) audio txt doc flibusta free

Question: please tell me where The Ivory Lyre by Shirley Rousseau Murphy (Goodreads Author) audio txt doc flibusta free

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Book description
Its the sequel to Nightpool, but it was much better than its predecessor. There was still a lot of the pure good vs. pure evil thing going on, but it wasnt as annoying because the main character was actually put in situations where he didnt know what the right thing was, and had to struggle with it. I think the author is still very flat with how she characterizes good and evil, especially evil. Evil doesnt seem to have a subtle side in the present, just the bit that enslaves children and tortures people. Still Neutral, because although its better, its not quite worth recommending yet.
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