Question: please tell me where The Intermediate Sex: A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women by Edward Carpenter itunes get spanish free prewiew

Question: please tell me where The Intermediate Sex: A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women by Edward Carpenter itunes get spanish free prewiew

Question: please tell me where The Intermediate Sex: A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women by Edward Carpenter itunes

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Book description

Book description
It’s an early 20th century work on sexuality and gender orientation, and I read it because in Regeneration by Pat Barker, a character mentions it as a book that “saved” him. They go on to discuss why - it made him see that he “wasn’t just a freak. That there was a positive side.” This conversational tangent was sandwiched neatly in the middle of a discussion about pacifism, and although I could guess at what it was getting at - The Intermediate Sex is a fairly difficult title to misinterpret - the conversation itself is just oblique enough to be a little mystifying, and apparently the book itself was extraordinarily influential for many people, possibly including the real-life Sassoon. So I looked it up, the e-text is available all over the place.And it is an interesting read, though the combination of early 20th century pseudo-scientific prose and early 20th century psychology prose makes for hard reading. Basically, Carpenter explores the notion of a third sex, between men and women, who exhibit characteristics of both genders, and for whom it is natural to be attracted to the same sex. One thing I found particularly off-putting was the author’s very careful insistence that although it was perfectly natural for people to be attracted to their own sex, he himself was not one of them. On the one hand, it was certainly brave to write a book on the subject at all, at the time. As another character points out elsewhere in Regeneration, people suspected of homosexual practices or of being involved with those practicing homosexuality were at the time particularly susceptible to blackmail. On the other hand, that sort of distancing from this era comes across as a little disingenuous and a tiny bit patronizing. The best part of the book is, in my opinion, the collection of anonymous case studies at the end. It’s a bunch of stories about homosexual experience at the turn of the century, and it’s fascinating, evocative, and frequently touching.But I don’t really recommend that you read it, unless you’re desperately academically inclined/have a JSTOR problem, which if you do, I’m not judging you at all. JSTOR binges happen. We accept that, eye the pile of PDF articles on obscure subjects with some skepticism, and move on.
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