Question: please tell me where The Hummingbird That Answered My Hearts Calling by Noelle M Meade-Izzi ebook value german book pc

Question: please tell me where The Hummingbird That Answered My Hearts Calling by Noelle M Meade-Izzi ebook value german book pc

Question: please tell me where The Hummingbird That Answered My Hearts Calling by Noelle M Meade-Izzi ebook value german book pc

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Book description
Her eyes were soulful, like little black pearls that perceived beyond mortal vision...Artemis showed up in my life to share a part of her world, this seemed clear. But why? Was there some deeper insight into my own life that she was willing to impart?Within each of us is the capacity to connect with the Universe, with nature, and with our Higher Self. This magical journey begins with the sincere willingness to quiet the mind and simply pay attention. Through the eyes of nature, one is made privy to the profound goodness that pervades all that exists and co-exists.This book will open your eyes to seeing the extraordinary within the ordinary and open your heart to new ways of appreciating the oh-so-omnipresent Universe that surrounds and binds all that we are.
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