Question: please tell me where The Great Courses - The 23 Greatest Solo Piano Works by Robert Greenberg reading look spanish via book

Question: please tell me where The Great Courses - The 23 Greatest Solo Piano Works by Robert Greenberg reading look spanish via book

Question: please tell me where The Great Courses - The 23 Greatest Solo Piano Works by Robert Greenberg reading look spanish via

> READ BOOK > The Great Courses - The 23 Greatest Solo Piano Works

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Book description
Funny, I like this and learned much but my expectation was higher. I guess if I had a better (any!) musical education (instruction not exposure) I would have gotten more out of it. For example, having a sonata form is explained by the prof is great as I did not know what it was, but now I do! but if I know what it is, I probably would understand the nuances of his explanations and that would make a difference in appreciating this work. That being said, I was never bored and enjoyed this quite a bit, even Professor Greenbergs hammy jokes and puns.
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