Question: please tell me where The Crepes of Wrath by Tamar Myers iphone value francais audio book

Question: please tell me where The Crepes of Wrath by Tamar Myers iphone value francais audio book

Question: please tell me where The Crepes of Wrath by Tamar Myers iphone value francais audio book

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Book description
Maybe the problem is just that I grew up in SE PA and know people with backgrounds similar to the MCs. I end up feeling like the book is disrespectful of both the mennonite and amish. The constant comments about inbreeding felt really out of line. I think Magdalena would be allowed to make some jokes about the oddities of her culture, but I dont think a person would still be practicing and living in that area if they felt as much hatred towards it as she does in these books.Then to finish it off, the title gives it all away and I knew who did it long before most of the relevant clues were revealed. Except for the recipes, there is only one other mention of crepes in the book, so DUH! She should at least have had Freni serving crepes at the inn or something to make it slightly more appropriate. Although I also personally dislike scrapple, I found the comments about scrapple out of place too. It is a very common food in the area and many love it, even those without close ties to the pennsylvania dutch community.
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