Question: please tell me where The Care of Prints and Drawings by Margaret Holben Ellis mobi online free

Question: please tell me where The Care of Prints and Drawings by Margaret Holben Ellis mobi online free

Question: please tell me where The Care of Prints and Drawings by Margaret Holben Ellis mobi online free

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Book description

Book description
During more than a decade of work in the conservation of prints and drawings at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Margaret Holben Ellis, a specialist in the field, was aware that reliable information on many conservation problems was hard to find. It required frequent searches through the literature in pamphlets and journals; and books on paper conservation offered only semirelated data, often inappropriate. Margaret Elliss work notes--tested, proven and carefully recorded--became a sound personal research source. Assembled and unified by the authors informed text, notes and commentary, much of what Ms. Ellis learned by doing appears in The Care of Prints and Drawings. -The objects I speak of caring for and preserving need not belong to a museum, - says the author. -The book is meant to be anyone responsible for providing good care and a safe environment for prints and drawings.- Ms. Elliss clear, straightforward prose includes step-by-step instructions for many procedures. Strikingly appropriate black-and-white photos and diagrams illustrate the text, and three appendices carry additional specialized information.
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