Question: please tell me where The Boy Who Killed Grant Parker by Kat Spears (Goodreads Author) fb2 online free

Question: please tell me where The Boy Who Killed Grant Parker by Kat Spears (Goodreads Author) fb2 online free

Question: please tell me where The Boy Who Killed Grant Parker by Kat Spears (Goodreads Author) fb2 online free

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Book description
Luke Graysons life might as well be over when hes forced to go live in rural Tennessee with his Baptist pastor father. His reputation as a troublemaker has followed him there, and as an outsider, Luke is automatically under suspicion by everyone from the principal at his new school to the local police chief. His social life is no better. The new kid in town is an easy target for Grant Parker, the local golden boy with a violent streak who has the entire community of Ashland under his thumb.But things go topsy-turvy when a freak accident removes Grant from the top of the social pyramid, replacing him with Luke. This fish out of water has suddenly gone from social outcast to hero in a matter of twenty-four hours. For the students who have lived in fear of Grant all their lives, this is a welcome change. But Luke’s new found fame comes with a price. Nobody knows the truth about what really happened to Grant Parker except for Luke, and the longer he keeps living the lie, the more like Grant Parker he becomes.
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