Question: please tell me where The Billionaires Surrogate by Cher Etan ebook reading phone torrent online

Question: please tell me where The Billionaires Surrogate by Cher Etan ebook reading phone torrent online

Question: please tell me where The Billionaires Surrogate by Cher Etan ebook reading phone torrent online

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Book description
A number 1 best seller in the African American romance category! A complete story with no cliff hanger. Money is nothing without someone to love. Max is a billionaire with a lot going for him. He has the money, the looks, and a personality to boot. But when diagnosed with prostate cancer, his life turns around in an instant. Everything that was once important now seems trivial to him, and he soon realizes he hasnt achieved his one main goal in life: Having a baby. With his cancer treatment predicted to leave him sterile, he decides hiring a surrogate mother to bare his child is the best option. And Christine, a relative of his house keeper, agrees to the role. But soon after the process, further tests reveals Max doesnt have cancer after all and wont become infertile. Now the question of where this leaves him and Christine arises. Will she simply remain the mother of his child? Or will an even more personal relationship form from this unexpected turn of events? Find out in this touching love filled romance by Cher Etan. Suitable for over 18s only due to passionate love making scenes likely to leave you needing a cold shower. Dont miss out, get your copy now.
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