Question: please tell me where The Battle Over Health Care: What Obamas Reform Means for Americas Future by Rosemary Gibson find audio pc bookstore book

Question: please tell me where The Battle Over Health Care: What Obamas Reform Means for Americas Future by Rosemary Gibson find audio pc bookstore book

Question: please tell me where The Battle Over Health Care: What Obamas Reform Means for Americas Future by Rosemary Gibson find

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Book description

Book description
As the most substantial health care reform in almost half a century, President Obamas health care overhaul was as historic as it was divisive. In its aftermath, the debate continues. Drawing on decades of experience in health care policy, health care delivery reform, and economics, Rosemary Gibson and Janardan Prasad Singh provide a non-partisan analysis of the reform and what it means for America and its future. The authors shine a light on truths that have been hidden behind a raucous debate marred by political correctness on both sides of the aisle. They show how health care reform was enacted only with the consent of health insurance companies, drug firms, device manufacturers, hospitals, and other special interests that comprise the medical-industrial complex, which gained millions of new customers with the stroke of a pen. Health care businesses in a market-oriented system are designed to generate revenue, which runs counter to affordable health care. Gibson and Singh take a broader perspective on health care reform not as a single issue but as part of the economic life of the nation. The national debate unfolded while the banking and financial system teetered on the brink of collapse. The authors trace uncanny similarities between the health care industry and the unfettered banking and financial sector. They argue that a fast-changing global economy will have profound implications for the countrys economic security and the jobs and health care benefits that come with it, and they predict that global competition will shape the future of employer-provided insurance more than the health care reform law.
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