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[7/10]Michael Whelan is as usual amazing when it comes to cover art The Bane of the Black Sword is the fifth out of six original installments in the saga of Elric, the albino sorcerer who acts like an agent of Chaos and wields a terrible, soul-eating magical sword. Like its predecessors, the book is actually a collection of novellas that are ordered chronologically in the continuing struggle of Elric against predestination and malevolent, indifferent deities. As such, it makes sense for the reader to be familiar with what went on before, but it is not a stringent requirement for enjoying these sword & sorcery adventures as stand-alone episodes. Elric, at least in the beginning of his epic quest, is unique among the usual brawny Conan clones or nimble rogues that populate sword & sorcery worlds by being physically impaired, requirring either drugs, magic or the tainted power of his doom sword in order to function as a fighter. He is also plagued by existential angst and moral relativism as he tries to cope with the often catastrophic results of his actions. I was surprised to notice in this fifth volume that the author all but abandoned these loftier ideas that define his character and penned a trio of classic sword & sorcery tales that show little originality and depth compared with previous episodes. Admittedly, they are very well written in the concise yet colourful language that I have come to expect from Moorcock, and they are great fun for the reader who enjoys the works of Robert E Howard and Fritz Leiber, but still a step down compared with my expectations. Only the epilogue, in which Elric is conspicuously absent, marks a return to the vivid imagination and existential debates that attracted me to the series in the first place. 1. The Stealer of Souls concludes a long story arc that spawns over three volumes, reintroducing an old flame of Elric (Queen Yishana of Jharkor) and an old enemy (sorcerer Theleb Kaarna of Pan Tang). Elric and his usual sidekick Moonglum the Outlander are currently out of work mercenaries, looking for a way to fatten their purses. In a city called Bakshaan, which was rich enough to make all other cities of the North East seem poor, in a tall-towered tavern one night, Elric, Lord of the smoking ruins of Melnibone, smiled like a shark and drily jested with four powerful merchant princes whom, in a day or so, he intended to pauperize. The final confrontation with Thelb Kaarna is spectacular and combines a castle siege, magic fireworks and another friend of Elric slayed by his out-of-control sword Stormbringer. Dragons from the island of Melnibone add a welcome exotic flavour to the proceedings. 2. Kings in Darkness reminds me in some of its elements of the adventures of Frodo Baggins in the Barrows and of Conan mishaps in his tomb raiding quests. Undead and unsavoury thinks lurk in the darkness of these ancient mausoleums. Three Kings in Darkness lie, Gutheran of Org, and I, Under a bleak and sunless sky - The third Beneath the Hill. Elric and Moonglum are running for their lives after a misunderstanding in Nadsokor, the City of Thieves, and end up in a place of ill repute - the hell-spawned Forest of Troos (Mirkwood?). Here they meet not only danger, but also a beautiful, nubile girl of seventeen who promptly falls in love with the albino demonic prince. Moonglum sighed. Elric - this once, let us not court the danger.Elric smiled icily. His scarlet eyes blazed out of his dead white skin with peculiar intensity. Danger? It can bring only death. 3. The Flamebringers The Stormbringer confronts Terrarn Gashtek, both plague and locust of the Eastern dominions, Lord of the Mounted Hordes, sunken-faced carrier of destruction; Terarn Gashtek, insane blood-drawer, the shrieking flame bringer. Just as we thought that Elric is due some quality time with his new lady love Zarozinia in the city of Jade Towers, Karlaak, Moonglum barges in with dire news: Genghis Khan is coming at the head of a million strong force of nomads, burning and pillaging as they advance across the land. Bloody-beaked hawks soared on the frigid wind. They soared high above a mounted horde inexorably moving across the Weeping Waste. Elric has promised himself and his new wife that he will not lay his hand again on his doom bringing sword, but Fate knows his number and is paging him back to battle. The novella has an interesting angle on magic as Elric tries to help Drinji Bara, a fellow sorcerer, who has misplaced his soul in the body of a black cat. Epilogue: To Rescue Tanelorn is the shortest but also the best episode in the current collection, even without Elric. His place is taken by an old acquaintance - Rackhir the Red Archer, who has retired from his life of adventure to the fabled city of Tanelorn: Beyond the tall and ominous glass-green forest of Troos, well to the North and unheard of in Bakshaan, Elwher or any other city of the Young Kingdoms, on the shifting shores of the Sighing Desert lay Tanelorn, a lonely, long-ago city, loved by those it sheltered. Tanelorn is an oasis of peace for the batle weary mercenary, a neutral ground in the eternal battle between the Lords of Chaos and Order, but it is currently threatened by a crusade of beggars from Nadsokor, led by a powerful magician. Rackhir sets out on a quest to gain the help of the Grey Lords, sometimes arbiters of disputes across the multiverse. With the assistance of a shaman named Lamsar, the Red Archer has to pass through five gates, each guarded by a Sphinx-like creature whose questions must be answered. The structure is highly reminiscent of the style used by Jack Vance in Lyonesse or the Tales of the Dying Earth, with the added benefit of some of Moorcocks metaphysical musings. We are human. You spend your life chasing that which is within you and that which you can find in any other human being - but you will not look for it there - you must follow more glamorous paths - to waste your time in order to discover that you have wasted your time. --- ... what is Law without something to decide between? Here is Law - bereft of justice. in describing the barren wasteland of Absolute Law.--- The denouement is a return to the pulpy adventure rules of sword & sorcery, with yet another of the author high intensity battles described in only a couple of pages. I am now only one book away from completing my Elric Saga self-challenge, and its been for most of the time a rewarding trip, but nevertheless I am not in a rush to explore the other incarnations of his Eternal Champion. Tanelorn will always exist while men exist. It was not a city you defended today. It was an ideal. That is Tanelorn.
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