Question: please tell me where The Balance of Silence by Reesa Herberth (Goodreads Author) acquire eng value book ios

Question: please tell me where The Balance of Silence by Reesa Herberth (Goodreads Author) acquire eng value book ios

Question: please tell me where The Balance of Silence by Reesa Herberth (Goodreads Author) acquire eng value book ios

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Book description
Welcome to the jungle where the found are lost and the lost are redeemed.Riv is a man adrift, hoping that running supplies for ReliefCorp will restore his faith in mankind and in himself. Deep in the war-torn Maltana rainforest, he stumbles upon a local bar that suits his mood: good food, bad attitude. The entertainment, though, is unexpected. A skilled piano player who avoids eye contact, flinches when anyone approaches and warns Riv of an ambush by tapping out the planetary anthem for Riv s homeworld of Karibee.The least Riv can do for the mute piano man, Ducks, is take him to the nearest spaceport for help. On their harrowing journey to escape Maltana, Riv makes a horrifying discovery. Ducks endured torture that scarred his mind as well as his body. Still, before he leaves the man safely in a treatment facility, Riv manages to earn what little trust Ducks has to give.Months later they reconnect, and while it s clear their instant attraction was no fluke, there s still a piece missing. Ducks voice. To help him find it again, Riv will have to expose the painful past that tore a hole in his own life. And hope that together, their ragged edges will fit together to form a whole.Product WarningsThis book contains fluffy blond hair, sugary soda that will rot your teeth out, one unfortunate first name, and one mute amnesiac with a sarcasm fetish, all wrapped up in two selfless but mildly unstable guys who accidentally find their happily ever after. In SPACE!
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