Question: please tell me where The Arthurian Poems of Charles Williams: Taliessin Through Logres & The Region of the Summer Stars by Charles Williams book djvu fb2 free buy

Question: please tell me where The Arthurian Poems of Charles Williams: Taliessin Through Logres & The Region of the Summer Stars by Charles Williams book djvu fb2 free buy

Question: please tell me where The Arthurian Poems of Charles Williams: Taliessin Through Logres & The Region of the Summer

> READ BOOK > The Arthurian Poems of Charles Williams: Taliessin Through Logres &amp

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Book description

Book description
Charles Williams is best known today for his novels, which are once again enjoying a considerable following (particularly in the United States), and as a member of the Oxford circle which included J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. His Arthurian poems, published as Taliessin Through Logres (1938) and The Region of the Summer Stars (1944) are among the most brilliant contributions to Arthurian literature of this century. Williamss vision of spiritual reality is expressed through symbols of great originality, and the complex patters of sound and haunting rhythms make his poems deeply rewarding. The present edition will serve to introduce new readers to the magic of these rich and lyrical pieces, which evoke a spiritual world in keeping with the highest ideals of Arthurian literature.
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