Question: please tell me where The Accidental Scot by Patience Griffin (Goodreads Author) shop text get read author

Question: please tell me where The Accidental Scot by Patience Griffin (Goodreads Author) shop text get read author

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Book description
Christmas in the small village of Gandiegow brings holiday cheer—and a chance for love between two strangers…When her father is injured in an accident, Edinburgh engineer Pippa McDonnell comes home to Gandiegow to take over the family business, the North Sea Valve Company. Now she’s working overtime trying to fix NSV’s finances and find the cash to get her father proper medical care.One possibility is to accept a partnership with MTech, an American firm desperate to get their hands on her da’s innovative valve design. He was against bringing in outsiders, but Pippa is desperate enough to at least listen to MTech’s charming representative Max McKinley.As Christmas approaches and with the help of Gandiegows meddling quilters, Pippa and Max slowly find themselves attracted to each other. Max seems honorable, but is he there to steal the valve design…or Pippa’s heart?
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