Question: please tell me where Superman (2016-) #8 by Peter J. Tomasi text reading without registering read acquire

Question: please tell me where Superman (2016-) #8 by Peter J. Tomasi text reading without registering read acquire

Question: please tell me where Superman (2016-) #8 by Peter J. Tomasi text reading without registering read acquire

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Book description

Book description
Superman #8 by Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason with art by Mahnke, Mendoza and Quintana is a fun story with some nostalgia and dinosaurs.First off, the cover by Mahnke, Mendoza and Quintana is worth just taking a minute to take in. Superman and his son Jon stand between us and a menacing group of prehistoric creatures, including a T-Rex. I loved this cover.When Jons science fair project goes haywire, he and his dad Superman end up on a lost island. At every turn they find liv‌ing creatures who havent been alive on Earth for a very long time. They also find the remains of a fierce battle among soldiers during World War II. There is a nice surprise cameo/tribute that I wouldnt dare spoil here, but it was a nice touch. This is only part one of the story, which is good, because Superman fighting to stay alive against dinosaurs is a good thing. Another good thing is the dedication to Darwin Cooke who tragically lost his battle with cancer last May. This is the kind of story he would have been great at illustrating, and he is missed by many, Im sure.I received a review copy of this issue from DC Entertainment and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this issue.
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