Question: please tell me where Storm over Iraq: Air Power and the Gulf War by Richard P. Hallion access cheap download iphone amazon

Question: please tell me where Storm over Iraq: Air Power and the Gulf War by Richard P. Hallion access cheap download iphone amazon

Question: please tell me where Storm over Iraq: Air Power and the Gulf War by Richard P. Hallion access cheap download iphone amazon

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Book description

Book description
An incisive account of the Persian Gulf War, Storm Over Iraq shows how the success of Operation Desert Storm was the product of two decades of profound changes in the American approach to defense, military doctrine, and combat operations. The first detailed analysis of why the Gulf War could be fought the way it was, the book examines the planning and preparation for war. Richard P. Hallion argues that the ascendancy of precision air power in warfare—which fulfilled the promise that air power had held for more than seventy-five years—reflects the revolutionary adaptation of a war strategy that targets things rather than people, allowing one to control an opposing nation without destroying it.
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