Question: please tell me where Snowflake Tiara by Angela Breidenbach (Goodreads Author) fb2 bookstore tom book reading

Question: please tell me where Snowflake Tiara by Angela Breidenbach (Goodreads Author) fb2 bookstore tom book reading

Question: please tell me where Snowflake Tiara by Angela Breidenbach (Goodreads Author) fb2 bookstore tom book reading

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Book description
What if you were caught doing something good, but the man you loved didnt see it that way?The Debutante Queen by Angela Breidenbach ~ 1889 (Helena, MT): Calista Blythe enters the first Miss Snowflake Pageant celebrating Montana statehood to expose the plight of street urchins. But if her hidden indentured orphan is discovered, Calista’s reputation and her budding romance with pageant organizer, Albert Shanahan, could both unravel. Will love or law prevail?More Than a Tiara by Valerie Comer ~ 2014 (Helena, MT): Marisa Hiller’s interest in competing in Miss Snowflake Pageant for the city of Helena’s 150th anniversary is at zip zero zilch when she discovers the official photographer is Jase Mackie. Can Jase make amends for past mistakes and offer her, not only a tiara, but a partner in her crusade to help needy children and families?
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